Wednesday, April 14, 2010

5 months old

Nev is just over 5 months old now. We've done a lot of visiting over the past month. Matt came out to visit us for a week. We haven't seen him in a really long time so it was great to see him and for he and Never to meet. Then Nev and I flew to Sacramento to visit the family and he got to meet his cousins Marisa and Sienna. They are getting so big and Sienna was very attentive to Nev; playing with him and holding him all the time. The bad part was somewhere during all this visiting Nev got his first cold which developed into croup which resulted into a trip to the ER. He was sick for about a week and such a trooper the whole time. Even though he wasn't feeling good he always managed to give us some of his great smiles. He is all better now but Micah and I are still recovering from this cold. Unfortunately being sick really disrupted our good sleep we were all getting for awhile. So now we are trying to figure out how to get Nev back to sleeping for most of the night......
Some other things that have happened this month:
Nev went to the swimming pol for the first time
He is rolling from his back to his belly
He has discovered his feet and is managing to stick them in his mouth
And he is starting to eat solids: Bananas, rice cereal, pumpkin and more to come..... He seems to really enjoy it!