Wednesday, May 26, 2010

6+ Months

Never is over half a year old now! Can you believe it?
He has gotten so big. He is no longer that tiny little newborn we brought home. Bittersweet!!
We keep on traveling.... We spent a weekend on the Washington Coast clamming. Nev enjoyed visiting family and friends but he didn't like the cold windy beach too much. Micah and Nev also joined me in eastern Oregon. They went hiking and hot springing. They tried out the backpack which Nev seemed to like and he got to enjoy his first hot spring. He REALLY loves to splash in the water.
Nev is also trying out lots of different foods these days. He is such a good eater. He seems to like just about anything after the initial shock of having some weird mushy textured stuff in his mouth. It seemes to still get him everytime.
He is sitting up pretty good these days but doesn't have the concept yet of catching himself when he falls over. After a few more bumps maybe it will catch on. For now he gets extra help from his Bumbo and his higchair. He is also very excited about his jumper. He is really mastering the jumping thing and has so much fun with it. I like it cause it gives his wild legs something to do.
Who nows next time I write he may be crawling..... Watch out!!
I took him to have some photos taken over the weekend. It was a lot of fun. He is such a ham and he really seemed to love all the attention. Check out this link to see the pics:

Well till next time!