Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall is here!

Summer is gone but fall is here and it has been beautiful!! We haven't been outside as much as I would have liked and I feel that time is running out. The colder winter weather is just around the corner.

Well recently we took a trip to the CA north coast to visit some friends. We took Never to a renisance festival which was a lot of fun.

Never loves riding on his Papa's shoulders especially when he can use his ear's to hold on with.....

With halloween coming up we went to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins. Never wanted to take home the big one but we settled on three pumpkins, one for each of us. While we were at the farm, Never got to play in a wheat (sand) box, go on a tractor hay ride and go down a big slide with his papa. We had a wonderful time!

Halloween is around the corner. Nev is dressing up as a spider and it is going to be a family costume. Pictures will be coming soon.

And of course the BIG thing coming up is Never's First Birthday. We are planning a party that should be lots of fun. We are expecting quite a few kids and some family from out of town. Hopefully the weather won't be too bad or it's gonna be a little crowded in our little house.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Summer is gone......

Since we last wrote we had a weekend trip to the beach to visit our friends Antoinette, Kyle and their kids. It was beautiful and a nice drive. It was pretty windy at the beach but Never had a lot of fun playing in the sand.

We also went on a trip to the Portland zoo with our play group. We had alot of fun and saw a lot of cool animals. It's a big zoo though. To big for one little boy to see it all in a day so we look forward to visiting it again someday.

Up next a trip to the pumpkin patch.....