Saturday, November 28, 2009

Some recent pictures

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! We spent it at George and Lael's house and had a great dinner.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Never Kalum Ditton - 12 days old

We have finally settled on a middle name, Kalum.

We are doing well. We had a bit of a rough start but things are starting to settle down. Nev lost a lot of weight in the first couple of days while he and I were trying to figure out the whole breast feeding thing but we are now on the right track and his weight is coming back up. He also had jaundice levels that were a concern for the Dr. So last Thurs. he and I spent the night in the hospital so he could be kept under a special light. We had a light to take home and keep on him for the weekend and when we returned to the Dr. on Mon. he was much better and we got to stop treatment :) It is sunny here today so Nev and I took a walk and got some sun on him too which is helpful in reducing jaundice.

My mom was here for the first week and was a great help. It was great having her around and watching her bond with her grandson. She was also great emotional support for me! We were sad to see her leave but we know we'll see her soon. We've also had some vistors stop by to see the little guy. We appreciate all the food people have been bringing us. It's amazing how quickly the days get away from us and how tiring it all can be. But we are getting into the routine of it all and it is getting easier. Here are some more pics from the past week. I gave him his first bath at home which I have to say he didn't like at all. Micah took him into the shower with him and he seemed to enjoy that quite a bit and it's a lot easier on us.

On Sunday we went to friends to watch the Steelers game. Nev got towear his steelers shirt that his grandma got him. He looked very cute... too bad the steelers lost:(

Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy Birth Day - Nov. 6, 2009

Never Ditton made his entrance to the world on November 6, 2009 at 6:23 pm. He weighed 7lbs 5 oz and was 19 inches long. With the love and support from Micah and the amazing support of our doula Kama, I spent about 5 hours at the hospital before Nev arrived. It was a tough process but things went well and our son was born alert and healthy. Her are some pics of him during his first feeding shortly after birth, Micah giving him his first bath and just before we left the hospital on Sunday afternoon. We are setteling in at home. It is nice to be in our own bed and not having nurses come in all the time to check on us. Nev is sleeping a lot and seems to be very comfortable and relaxed. He is a very good baby. He loves his skin to skin time on his daddy's chest. I'll try to keep the pictures coming. I'm sure we'll have lots!
And no we still don't have a middle name yet. We're working on it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween - 38 weeks

Hope everyone had a great Halloween. Micah and I went to a Halloween party and had a lot of fun. Micah dressed up as a priest and wanted me to be a pregnant nun but I couldn't get the costume together. It would have been pretty funny. Instead I was Mother Earth...... Alot of people thought my belly was fake too. I wasn't expecting that.
Sunday marked the begining of my 38th week. Only two more weeks till my due date. I went to the doc today and she said he has dropped some so it is likely I will go into labor in the next two weeks. Kinda scary but I'm excited to meet our little boy!