Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year

We hope everyone has ad a great Holiday!
We decided this year to start a tradition of going out and cutting our own Christmas tree. So we headed up to the mountains and after a lot of searching we found the tree we wanted, a silver tip. It is a great tree and Micah was very proud of himself for finding it :)

We spent Nev's first Christmas at home. We opened presents in the morning. Thanks to everyone who sent Nev a gift. We tried to take pictures of us opening presents but he had enough of the camera after the first two.

We went for a hike that afternoon. It was Nev's first hike. We hiked up to the top of Bald Hill which gave us a great veiw of the valley. It was a cold day but sunny.
Nev is growing up fast.... he is starting to smile and laugh a lot more. Check out the video below. He is showing his appreciation for the blues (taken on Christmas day).