Sunday, February 7, 2010

3 months

It has been awhile since I have posted anything up here..... sorry.
I think I will try to do a post every month from now on.
Anyway Never is 3 months old now and it has been over a month since I last wrote. He weighs almost 13 lbs. He is growing so fast and changing all the time.
In January my parents came to visit. Never met his grandpa for the first time and they got along great!

Grandpa even got pretty good at comforting Nev and putting him to sleep. He really enjoyed his nap time with Grandpa.
Nev has changed a lot since these pictures. Besides getting big he has lost a lot of hair.... Oh we miss that hair .... but it is growing back. He has cradle cap pretty bad and we are rubbing a lot of moisturizer on his head so I'm not sure if it was gonna fall out anyway or if we are rubbing it off. I hope it's not the later :( Anyway, it seems to be getting better but I think we are just gonna have to deal with dry skin on this baby for awhile.
He is a very happy boy and is smiling, laughing and telling us stories all the time. His newest achievment is getting his hand into his mouth. He really likes to suck on his hand and now wants nothing to do with sucking on a paci, although he will chew on it if you hold it there for him.
Well, we are getting ready to leave on a family vacation. We are heading south to visit family and ultimately spend some time in the sun on the beach in Baja. We are planning to be gone for two weeks so the next post we should have lots of great pics to share.