Monday, March 15, 2010

4 months old - Trip to Baja

Never is now 4 months old. At his check up he weighed in at 14 lbs.
We all survived our 3000 mile road trip to Baja. We had a really nice time down there and we got to see lots of family on the way down and back.

After driving for a few days we made it to Baja. We stayed in Ensenada our first night and they were celebrating Carnival. There was a big street fair with lots of music and food. The we headed further south where we spent a week at a surf camp. Micah got a lot of surf and Never and I took a lot of walks on the beach.

The weather was nice most of the time although we got some rain and chilly nights. Never enjoyed his first campfire. The Mexicans REALLY love babies. They all came out to see Nev and they wanted to touch and hold him a lot. Nev really liked the cute Mexican girl... already a flirt!

On the way back up we stayed in a really nice hotel for $32 a night. We did a little sight seeing and shopping in Ensanada on our last day before we crossed back inot the states.

It took us a few more days to get home but we spent time with family on the way back. We were all very happy to get back home.
I am back to work full time which is hard but Nev is home all day with his Papa which makes it easier for me to be gone. I am excited everyday to get home so I can get a beautiful smile from my little guy!