Sunday, November 14, 2010


Never's first Halloween was quite busy. He dressed up as a spider and I was a spider web. Micah was supposed to be a fly caught in a web but he never got dressed up. I was a bit disappointed because I was pretty proud of my fly wings I made. On Friday Nev and I went to the trick-or-treating event in downtown Corvallis. Never was very excited by all the people in costumes.

Then on Saturday we went to a Halloween party where Never got to see his friends dressed up in costumes. We had a lot of fun.

On Halloween Sunday Never helped us carve pumpkins. He really enjoyed pulling the seeds out and then putting them back in. Micah and I got away for a little bit and went to see the play Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. It was a really good play and we enjoyed getting out. Never had a good time with his babysitter. However, the night was uneventful. Next year maybe Never will be able to do a little bit of real trick-or-treating....

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