Tuesday, July 14, 2009

22 weeks

OK, so I am 22 weeks pregnant and just starting this blog. I thought it would be a good way to share pregnancy and baby news with everyone. Hopefully after the baby comes we will keep up on this and be able to share pictures with everyone.
So we learned we were pregnant on March 8, 2009 with an expected due date of November 15, 2009. We had our big ultrasound on June 26th and found out it is a boy and they reconfirmed the due date as November 15th.

I'm still working in the field and camping and hiking a lot. I should be finished with that at the end of July, just in time for the 3rd trimester. Things are a bit crazy around here with me being gone and Micah is taking an intensive spanish course and remodeling the upstairs of the house. We are looking forward to a little vacation time at the end of August.
Here are some pics and video from the ultrasound and a picture of me at 20 weeks pregnant.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Mama and Baby Boy are beautiful The video is amazing I can't wait till he gets here and I can hold him

  3. OMG Jaime! Seems like just yesterday we were teenagers! Can wait to see more pictures. You look great!
