Sunday, August 30, 2009

Maui - Day 5

Yesterday we drove to the west end of the island along the north coast. This section of road is really narrow and winding. The scenery was beautiful and worth the drive. We drove along the ocean above the cliffs. The water is so amazingly blue. We found a really nice art gallery along the way. We stopped and swam in a rock pool on the coast. The surf crashes right up to the pool and spills in. The pool is probably 8 feet deep and full of tropical fish. It was like swimming in an aquarium. We found some really nice surf at Honolua Bay. There was a ton of people out surfing but there were enough waves for everyone. Micah caught a really nice wave! I watched from the cliffs above and could have gotten a really good picture but the camera battery died :(
We are staying in a really nice guest house called The Guesthouse in Lahina. It's away from the main part of town so it is quiet here. The house is beautiful, the rooms are awesome with a hot tub in the room (one where we can change the temp. so I can get in). The provide a yummy breakfast and full access to the kitchen, laundry, etc. It's a really sweet deal! We are debating staying another night. Today we'll go snorkeling and look for more waves tonight.

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