Sunday, September 6, 2009

Good to be home - 30 weeks

Even though Micah decided to stay in O'ahu for another week to work with a friend, I flew home on friday. It is nice to be home but I was unpleasantly welcomed home by a very sick Cotton. Her kidneys had failed after three years of kidney disease. I took her to the vet immediately and she had to be put to sleep. She will be missed!!

On a lighter note..... We spent the last few days of our trip in O'ahu. We did not do too much there. Mostly relaxed at Brian's house. We did spend one day at Wiamea. We hiked up a beautiful canyon through a garden of tropical plants. We also went swimming in Wiemea Bay and Micah and Brian jumped off the cliffs into the bay. O'ahu is a lot more crowded but the island itself is beautiful, a lot more mountainous than Maui.

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