Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's been awhile.......

Well it has been awhile since I last wrote and a lot has gone on since my last post. Never is 9 months old now! and I'm realizing he is going to be a year old before I know what hit me......

More big news... Nev has a brand new cousin, Logan James Ratchford. He was born Aug. 7th. He is a beautiful little boy and we are looking forward to meeting him.

Well since I last wrote Nev has gotten 4 teeth, all at the same time. He is eating just about everything but he is starting to express his opinion as to his likes and dislikes. He is crawling now and getting around everywhere. He is a very curious little boy so he is getting into everything. He loves to try to get the dog but the dog isn't having it so Nev rarely actually reaches him. He is using anything and everything for support to stand up. He is starting to figure out letting go and being able to use his hands to get things he wants while standing. It all happens so quick that it will seem like I'll wake up one day and he will be walking.
More pictures and video to come.........

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